We can define integrity as ‘the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.’ But in a clearer business context, integrity is doing what you say you are going to do, and remaining accountable for your actions. Having integrity means putting personal agendas aside to focus on the greater good of your company and the people it serves.

Simple ways to act with integrity in business

Be honest 

You have an obligation to be truthful with your customers, which is especially important in building trust and loyalty. But it is also vital not to withhold useful information from clients. Integrity is all about clear and efficient communication, so ensure you own up to any mistakes or setbacks, and keep the customer informed and ‘in the loop’ of any progress.

Meet every commitment

Deliver on the services you have promised in a timely and professional manner. When carrying out work or interacting with a client, ensure you are focused and fully invested.

Treat everyone equally and with respect 

This should be the case regardless of whether you are dealing with smaller or larger clients, each one adds value to your business and is a part of building brand loyalty and reputation. It is also important to show respect to and embrace the diversity among your clients, understanding different perspectives that different demographics may hold.

Why is acting with integrity so important?

Builds reputation

Reputation is essential to the success of your business. Acting with integrity can help to build a strong positive reputation, as clients trust and believe in the sustainability of your business, sometimes spreading the word. 

Builds quality 

Acting with integrity across your whole business is important too. Fulfilled employees that feel they have been listened to and appreciated will often be more productive, which in turn will likely improve their output. 

Clearer focus for your business

Integrity and authenticity can bring a clearer focus to your business, through consistency in how you act between your personal and professional life. This will free up energy and time and allow you to invest more into any main priorities.

Stronger results 

Customers and clients value integrity. They will always hold a higher regard for companies that operate in an ethical and honest manner, and will often reciprocate this. This, of course, will drive the results in your business. 

And remember: ‘Integrity is the glue that holds any relationship together’ – Jim Rohn 

If you need any further advice or support with your business, please don’t hesitate to contact me at paulmccarthy@actioncoach.co.uk.