growth Archives - Paul McCarthy - Worthing - ActionCOACH

Tag Archives: growth

Are you being SMART with your Goal Setting? 🎯 Now we’re almost mid-way through Q1, you’ve probably found yourself encountering fresh challenges and opportunities for your business. One crucial aspect of strategic planning for any successful enterprise is setting clear and achievable goals. But knowing…

||16/11/23|| As the year draws to a close, it’s an opportune moment for your business to reflect on their performance, accomplishments, and areas that require improvement. Conducting a comprehensive year-end review is not merely a ritualistic exercise, but a crucial step towards fostering growth, refining…

||10/07/2023||   Hybrid working has become a popular choice for many companies and employees in recent times. This model of working offers a range of benefits, including flexibility, better work-life balance, reduced costs, and improved productivity. However, hybrid working can also be challenging, especially when…

||28/02/23|| Forbes recently reported on research by Harvard Business Review into the impact of trust in workplaces. They shared that ‘workers at companies where trust is high report: • 106% greater energy in the office • 74% lower stress levels • 76% greater engagement •…

|| 31/01/23 || Winter can be a challenging time for motivation, especially when working from home. Though we have the luxury of not battling long and busy commutes, we instead face cold weather, shorter days and less daylight, all making it difficult to stay focused…

It is common when running a business to feel daunted by the seemingly never-ending and shapeshifting to-do list you create for yourself. Knowing where to start can be an overwhelming daily task in itself, and the thought of even opening your laptop to attack can…

Accepting and learning from failure is what separates the most successful among us from those not reaching their goals. Having the ability to look at failure with a reasoned perspective will enable you to take advantage of things that might have gone wrong and take…

We can define integrity as ‘the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.’ But in a clearer business context, integrity is doing what you say you are going to do, and remaining accountable for your actions. Having integrity means putting personal agendas aside…

More often than not, employee retention relates to what businesses do to make their workplace appealing to their workforce. So what can you as a business owner or manager do to ensure you are maximising your opportunity to retain employees and help them to thrive?…