As life in the U.K. reopened on Monday’s so-called ‘Freedom Day’, many businesses will be experiencing the biggest change they’ve seen since the pandemic began. For some, this will naturally be accompanied by apprehension – there have been articles littering the internet for months now about how businesses have struggled due to the volatility of the pandemic and its restrictions. But have you read the statistics that all-time record high number of new UK businesses were created during Lockdown at 302,000? Or that 35,633 new UK businesses were registered in March 2021, the highest monthly figure since HMRC began keeping records in the late 1980s? Change doesn’t have to have a negative impact. It’s all about how you harness its power.

Change happens all the time within workplaces, but as leaders how do we help our teams to embrace it?

Be open with your team 

Give your team as much information as you have in order to help them understand the situation clearly. Share the vision for how implementing the change will benefit both your business and the team that support it. It’s important this communication with your team isn’t occasional, so try to feedback regularly, and be receptive to hearing their feedback about the changes taking place. This involvement can create mutual respect, and an even participation from them gives employees a healthy sense of ownership. 

Set out goals 

No matter how the workload brought on by change is divided amongst your team, the most important thing is that you are all working towards common goals. Use these long-term aims as a motivation to stay focused and productive through any moments of uncertainty. Be open to adjusting these goals as a change takes place so that they are tangible and realistic – they may add healthy competitive pressure but make sure they don’t create stress.

Encourage a growth mindset

Undoubtedly, change can be challenging, as this last year has taught us. However, seeing change within your business as a new opportunity to develop is paramount to harnessing the power it holds to make your business greater. Learning and sharing ways to be adaptable during this shift is essential, and as a leader, reflecting an empathetic and positive mentality onto your team will build trust going forward into new territory. Reward success and hard work by celebrating small milestones along the way.

For more advice and support on adapting to workplace change, don’t hesitate to contact ActionCOACH Worthing today.