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Tag Archives: coaching

|| 20/06/23 ||   There are times within business when we’re so set on chasing our long-term goals, that we overlook how to make our day-to-day processes more effective. Systemising your business is a great way to improve efficiency and streamline operations. Below are just…

|| 15/05/23 || (Header Photo by Kerry Marshall/Getty Images)   The beginning of this year saw New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern step down from office as Prime Minister, alluding to burnout as the main reason. Throughout her five years in the role, she dealt with the…

||28/02/23|| Forbes recently reported on research by Harvard Business Review into the impact of trust in workplaces. They shared that ‘workers at companies where trust is high report: • 106% greater energy in the office • 74% lower stress levels • 76% greater engagement •…

|| 31/01/23 || Winter can be a challenging time for motivation, especially when working from home. Though we have the luxury of not battling long and busy commutes, we instead face cold weather, shorter days and less daylight, all making it difficult to stay focused…

It is common when running a business to feel daunted by the seemingly never-ending and shapeshifting to-do list you create for yourself. Knowing where to start can be an overwhelming daily task in itself, and the thought of even opening your laptop to attack can…

Entrepreneur is a title continually resonating through the world of business. It defines someone innovative, who is coming up with a new product, service or idea to offer, in order to solve an existing problem. And every entrepreneur’s journey looks different, albeit built with the…

Accepting and learning from failure is what separates the most successful among us from those not reaching their goals. Having the ability to look at failure with a reasoned perspective will enable you to take advantage of things that might have gone wrong and take…