More often than not, employee retention relates to what businesses do to make their workplace appealing to their workforce. So what can you as a business owner or manager do to ensure you are maximising your opportunity to retain employees and help them to thrive?

Hire well

This doesn’t just fall down to hiring the most qualified or most experienced candidates – it is also about taking on people who will fit well into the dynamic of your existing team. Provide candidates with a sufficient amount of information about the role, and set exciting but realistic expectations of the potential it holds for them.

Provide opportunities for growth

Up-to-date training throughout any role is essential, but training with the prospect of learning new skills and functions can be invigorating, and makes employees feel like there is continuous growth and development in their role. This avoids that feeling of stagnating within a job, which often leads to valuable employees looking for work elsewhere. Positive encouragement to keep upskilling and learning is a welcome drive towards a greater goal.

Create a safe work environment with a clear culture

The wider effects of feeling a sense of belonging at work, as part of a culture that is both comfortable and representative of your workforce, should not be underestimated. Creating a safe work environment for your staff that gives them an opportunity to share views and feelings openly is vital to encouraging sustainable employee retention. This can also be about the physical work environment, as well as maintaining high safety standards and encouraging teamwork. Environments that promote teamwork avoid any discouragement created by over-management or control, or necessary information being withheld, both of which can ultimately be detrimental. Teamwork empowers employees to speak up about any hurdles or issues they face at work, and encourages them to be a part of formulating new ideas.

Rewards and recognition

Create a sense of purpose within your workforce, as it helps employees to feel happier and fulfilled when carrying out day-to-day tasks. This job satisfaction comes from a clear understanding of what these tasks are achieving, and from being provided with challenging and meaningful work that utilises their skills and any training they have undertaken. Clear goals / KPIs that lead to recognition and rewards are a good way of maintaining productivity and motivation, and push employees to perform at their best, towards the chance of promotion or progression. They are also considered to be of high importance for new talent that are looking to join a business.

Improve employee’s lives

Allowing employees flexibility is a great way to keep your staff happy. Perks such as the option to work from home, or flexible working hours can help to show you value the wellbeing of an employee, without the focus or pressure solely being on their output. It also helps them to create a healthy work/life balance, as they manage family needs or other commitments.


For more structured support with your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Paul at ActionCOACH Worthing at .