Though the beginning of a New Year can feel like a chance for a fresh start, we can so easily fall into old habits and become complacent with where we are.This complacency makes us our barrier to greater success, in a highly competitive business environment where we need to continuously be resourceful and invigorated to stay ahead.

So what can we do to ensure we keep moving forward ?

Practice self discipline

Think first about the consequences when making decisions, rather than acting impulsively.Take appropriate action according to this and let yourself feel energised and driven by the decisions you’ve made, rather than doubting your choices.

Manage yourself efficiently

Plan your time consistently, mapping out each task in your week by its priority. This includes allowing yourself time to switch off, recharge and reset – sometimes if you don’t plan for it, it won’t happen! Put in the extra effort to get to where you want to be, rather than just enough to stay where you are now.

Remember your worth

Acknowledge the difference you make in people’s lives, whether it be the positive impact you have had on your customers, or the support network in your personal life. Use this to provide you with purpose and focus. Avoid negative self-talk, as it wastes time and stunts motivation. Make friends with failure – it is a part of your journey!

Read around your expertise

Explore books and articles by and for successful people, and take in any observations about their habits and mindset. By continuing to learn, you are allowing for constant growth, and opening your collaborative mind to the perspectives of others.

Define your long-term goals

Having a clear long-term vision is the ultimate driving factor behind everything you work towards. Ensure your focus is on this, with your short-term goals being achieved as checkpoints along the way. Set aside time to review these goals regularly, reminding yourself of your aims and taking stock of what you have already achieved. Keep your focus firmly on the future and the possibility it holds.

If you need further support with moving your business forward in 2022, or you just want to talk things through, don’t hesitate to contact me at